Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What do Britney Spears and George W. have in common?

Well, first of all, they are both idiots, both white trash, and both West Texas girls!

Ha, just kidding, Britney's from Louisiana.

I would like to take a second to admire myself for that joke.

Okay, now that that's over, let's talk about both of these people.

Seriously, Bush has admitted that he is a "West Texas girl." He's quite special, isn't he? If I were Canadian, I would love him, just for his accidental comedic abilities.

In terms of celebrities, I can't think of anybody more pathetic than Britney Spears. Lindsey Lohan comes close, but somehow, she's been avoiding the media. Maybe she should pass some tips on to Ms. Spears. Things like not not getting divorces, not going to court, not hitting cars and then banging them with doors.

Oh yea, and that cd thing. How's that coming, Britney? I was reading some news about it, how you're lawyer made an excuse for you not showing up for drug testing. She seriously asked the judge if he has to promote a number one selling album. My thoughts: how rude. This is the guy that has control over what her future holds, and her lawyer wants to be pissy with him? Then I found out that she DOESN'T have a number one selling album. It's behind The Eagles.

Seriously? The Eagles? When was the last time anyone ever heard from them? Aren't they old? Like in the realm of U2 and others?

Oh well, as long as someone can prove that not only is Britney an idiot, but her attorney is, too, I'm having a good day.

Let's talk about our Decider for a minute. There is this man from California who is promoting the impeachment of Bush & Cheney by walking to D.C. this winter. How crazy, I hope people get the message. No matter how bad I want them out of office, there is no way I would do exercise to prove it. The article went on to say that this protester hasn't done anything since Vietnam.

Haha. Protester. But he does seem to have priorities in order. Things haven't been so bad since 'Nam.

Does anyone have Britney's album? Is it even any good? I don't want to buy it, that would mean the money would get back to her, and she would have more ability make an ass of herself.

It's okay though Britney. I'm sure Dubya doesn't know what a sombrero is, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd have to give it some deep thought, but if given the choice between buying Britney Spears' new album or putting out a forest fire with my face...

I think I'd choose the face one.