Monday, November 5, 2007

Ever do nothing and then do nothing about it?

I overslept today. I woke up at 5ish in the afternoon. anytime after 2pm is definitely oversleeping.
I also was suppose to do things. Like homework mayhaps. Or carve a pumpkin.
Yea, Halloween came late for me.

Anyway, the only thing I did was watch TV, eat food, and here I am, doing nothing, when I really should've compensated for lack of doing.

Oh well. what can I do? I'll tell you: nothing. It's fun, try it some time. I wasted a hell of a lot of time on newgrounds. Games are a good way to waste time also.

Oh, but maybe I was just making up for all the things I did yesterday... You see, I have the messiest car. Anybody who has ever been in the BAMF-mobile can tell you. Even when I consider it clean, it's still a mess.

So yesterday I took out ALL the trash (filled up an entire garbage bag) and took out all the stuff I still wanted, just not in my car. Then, get this: I got out the VACUUM CLEANER (it took me awhile to learn how to use it) and sucked up all the crap I could outta my baby. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach the stupid bugs that have been in the back window that have disgustingly been there since the previous owner. And the car still looks like crap.

Maybe I should go get it professionally cleaned.
And have the carpet glued back together.
And the gum (spit at me by some kid) taken off the floor, which is covered by a penny.
And tape the taillight back together.
And paint the chip in the paint I made when I hit that post at the gas station.
And get the frickin dent out of it that WASN'T put there by me.

Or I could just do nothing...

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