Saturday, April 5, 2008

Peace Jam Northeast! Spread the peace!

Yep. Chilling in Springfield/Chicopee in support of my auntie. And, of course, world peace. I mean, why not?

Last night she spoke at this opera house building. Funny story: I get to drive there because I'm the automatic DD. Well, we took two cars, but I parked the CR-V in a pretty close parking area, same one as the other car. The other car gets to park in handicap because I guess my grammie has a hanging thingie (you know what I mean). Like five spots down is one car, empty spot, one car. This is the extent of the parking area; it is quite small.

I had no choice but to park in between the two cars because the rest of the spaces were handicapable. I drive on over to my designated space which is TINY. I mean TEENY TINY. The car on the left is not only right on the line but also angled in. The car on the right was not so much on the line but was also angled in. It was like I had to park straight in a triangle. In a mini-suv.

I have to warn you right now that I have road rage. Not like a "Oh I'm mad, that car just cut me off," but more like a, "Don't do it m***********! It's MY turn. Stay there, stay, don't pull out.. oh F***! You little B****!" Then I would go on yelling about how he better speed up fast because I'm not going to slow down. My theory is that if you are going to pull out in front of someone, you should quickly speed up to their pace before they catch up to you. Aaaaand, if they didn't, I would get right on their bumper, because they so could've waited, there was no one behind me.
Stupid drivers. Huge pet-peeve of mine.

Anyway, no one cut in front of me, that was just an example of how I would react. You don't want to see me around tractor trailer trucks. Actually, I don't know if I already mentioned this, but my dream way of dying is in some crazy car accident involving a tractor trailer truck and it would be the LAST accident because they would then BAN trucks from roads and highways in accordance to the Emma Law.

Yes, quite off track, but that is my dream. Hopefully way down the road, I am still quite young.

When I park, I have to readjust several times to squeeze in. This big gang member in the back of the car (yes, my car) was like, "maybe you should let me out first..."

So I park, next to no space. Once I open my door, I have like six inches to get out. Sometimes I have to do this at school, so it doesn't really bother me, but when you're in an actual parking lot in an actual public place, I feel like someone has to be such a huge ass to not be considerate enough to fix their parking. So I am angry in this instance. I would also like to say that I am not stick skinny, so I do have to do a little shimmy-ing.

I locked my door and started shouting at the way bad parked car to my left (where I just got out) and then to add insult to injury, or vice versa (that's how I was raised to say it, I guess it's wrong - oh well, get over it), I went and kicked the bumper of his stupid blue trash heap.

I go over to the members of the other car: my mother, grandma, and aunt (a different aunt) and start complaining about how it's WAY to close, the other guy is stupid and he would probably scratch the car on the way out. Or on purpose.

We are in Springfield. Shady place.

We see my aunt Jo-jo speak, then mingle upstairs at a little reception thing. My sister and I get back to the car, and to my delight, the other car isn't there. We get in all ho-hum and then Libby notices that one of the wipers is up and puts it back down. I'm like, "Why was that up??"

Then she starts the car (she's driving this time), and I hear this weird noise. I look back and the wiper in the BACK is going (it was raining earlier). The wiper was also snapped. in half. with the hard plastic still hanging on being pushed against the window.

I go, "Libby, the back one's broken."

"Crap. Someone messed with the car."

Now I know it was not broken when we LEFT the car because I was driving and I often look in my rearview mirror, and sometimes watch the wiper in awe. My car does not have one. I was impressed with how well it pushed the water away. My front wipers don't even work that well.

So, using deductive reasoning, I conclude that it MUST have happened sometime between leaving the car in the lot and coming back to it. My ultimate thinking is that the car next to me was pissed that I parked next to him. Perhaps it was the passenger who had a hard time getting into the car. Maybe they tried to break the front wiper but couldn't, so they deigned to snap the back one. Cool.

I hope they think they are tough.

I mean it takes SUCH a big and decent person to park badly on their own fault and then beat up the car that parks next to it.

Big heros. They really helped themselves out there.

It just infuriates me that people have to be so destructive to make themselves feel better. Being the psych/criminology student that I am, I'm gonna go ahead and guess that daddy wasn't there during his child hood. Maybe he was and slapped around the lady. Poor kid couldn't deal and has to start acting out in forms of obnoxiousness (bad parking) and destruction (wiper) and maybe even stealing here and there.

The thing that really bugs me is he doesn't know me. Maybe I'm a struggling teenage mother with a really sick kid who was amazingly able to get me a car through make-a-wish so I could drive him to his hospital appointments. Maybe, if that stupid punk got to know what I could be, he would feel SO bad that he did that.

I feel like kids these days have NO common sense OR decency. It makes me so angry. Fortunately my story above is not true, but people need to seriously start THINKING before they do stupid stuff like that.

I bet you twenty bucks that my life was at least twice as hard and depressing as his and I turned out find. I obviously relieve my stress by writing, which is sooo the opposite of destruction. I have NEVER stolen in my LIFE. Not even a candy bar or a pencil when I was little. I have never egged or TP-ed anybody's house. I have never purposely done anything harmful to a car especially out of vengeance. Surprisingly, the only car accidents I have ever been in (besides benign "fender benders" that did NO damage) were completely other people's faults. I have never been in a fight that I started. Basically, what I'm saying is that I don't do mean things to people who don't deserve it.

UGH. Springfield. Can't wait to leave.

Fun for me though, we're staying one more night than I was told. I have no clothes, no supplies, undies, anything for another day. I packed as lightly as a possibly could, which was very little considering I brought only a backpack that had my laptop, binder, notebook, textbook, and power cords already in it. I could re-wear something, but since I've seen the same people for two days, they could tell, and yes I am that shallow. Plus I have to look good, I'm part of "The Family."

This one kid asked, "do you wake up every morning and say, 'oh my god, Jody Williams is my aunt.'" And since this is a college aged event, my sister and I socialize with the HUNDREDS of kids here to see Jody. Just saying. We're kinda a big deal :)

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