Saturday, December 8, 2007

So It's Been Almost Three Weeks

I would apologize to those who have been following this blog, but I'm pretty sure I don't have any followers (If I do, I really am sorry).

Anyway... Do you ever know something is wrong with you, and you don't know what it is? I'm having that problem. I've been unable to sleep through the night. I'll go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 3am. And then not be able to go back to bed.

AND I also can't stay awake. I may not be able to go to bed during the night, but bring on the day and I'm out for (up to) 18 hours. Mind you, this is not the reason I can't go to bed at night. I don't know what it is. But even when I
can get on a schedule, I still get sleepy in the afternoon.

Actually, once I had to skip my 1 o'clock class because I was so tired. I wanted to make sure I could get home without falling asleep on the road. I'm glad I left when I did; By the time I got to my hometown, my mind was starting to shut down.

So I decided, as a (slightly) responsible young adult, to look online for what could be wrong with me. What it came down to was "Sleeping Beauty Disease," insomnia AND hypersomnia, or diabetes. And since I eat junk food quite often and feel fine, I figured it wasn't diabetes.

Unfortunately, none of these answers really helped me. So now I need to go to a doctor. Preferably one with fantastic diagnostic skills. Like House. I actually searched for "Doctors like House," because I'm a dork like that.

I have yet to make an appointment, but a local doctor gave me a prescription for Provigil: the same thing Britney Spears is on. Yay! I always wanted to be just like her!

I jest. I can't stand that train wreck of a person. Apparently it's a medication for narcolepsy, which is something I don't have, and I doubt B.S. does, either. Oh well. Hopefully it will help me from being so lethargic (AKA: reason I haven't been updating).

Here's to high hopes!

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